so the other night i came home from being out, and i was walking up the stairs to my room i was thinking "gee my fan (i have a fan on, in my room, constantly because it's so effing warm) is really loud... oh it must just be because it's night time and everything is louder in the night." i get up the stairs and turn the corner and...
my door is wide open. as it my previously mentioned (two posts down?) roommates room. ok, weird.
i walk into my room and there is a naked man asleep in my bed. it is my roommate. oh, yeah, he sleepwalks as well. and he sleptwalked (?) NAKED right INTO MY BED. i covered him up with something and proceeded to wake him, telling him that he was in my room, in my bed and he needed to get into his own bed. he looks around for a while, totally bewildered and mutters a "shit... shit, i'm sorry... this... this, is awkward."
"yes. it is," i reply, "and i'm going to go down stairs and give you a minute to get your shit together.
he only half remembers it happening, at all, because he was still half in sleepwalk land when i woke him up.
list of things to do:
- get new health card
- call school about student loans
- get burgundy oxfords re-soled